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Here's some rituals I found that correlate to the month of June, So enjoy!
Faery Queen and The Green Man
~Summer Solstice~

If possible, hold this ceremony outside ath night. If you don't have a secure place, or have nosey neighbors, hold it inside in a darkened room lit only by candles. Have ready fruit and flowers as offerings. You will also need a green cord long enough to go confortably around your waist. Have a few cookies to share with the faeries and elves. Dress in a comfortable robe. A garland of flowers is nice to wear on your head. At least have a vase of flowers nearby.

Either play a tape of flute or pan-pipe music or make the music yourself. Have beside you a chalice of juice or wine; each time you drink from it, raise the chalice first in an offering to Pan and the Lady of the Greenwood. Be happy and enjoy yourself, for Pan and the Lady of the Greenwood don't like long faces and negative and negative vibrations.

Raise the chalice in offering, then take a drink. Chant:

Strange music floats within the glade
From reedy pipes that Pan has made.
The woodland God of Nature old
Has come back as the tales foretold.
With the horned head and tapping feet,
I shall not fear him when we meet.
Great Paqn is Nature at her best.
His soaring notes can give us rest
From care and worries, synchronize
Us with the water, Earth, and skies.

Take some fruit and flowers to an eastern point. Lay them there and say:

Great Pan and Lady of the Greenwood,
Release your pleasant breezes to blow sweet and fresh upon the land.

Take fruit and flowers to the South. Lay them there.

Great Pan and Lady of the Greenwood,
Let the tender sunbeams warm the Earth and bring continued life.

Do the same in the West:

Great Pan and Lady of the Greenwood,
Bless us with the refreshing, renewing rains.

Finish by laying fruit and flowers in the North:

Great Pan and lady of the Greenwood,
Let the seasons come in the proper times,
Both on the Earth and in my life.
Bless me with new things.
Let life's lessons not be harsh and cruel.
All hail Pan and the Lady of the Greenwood!

Raise one end of the green cord and kiss it.

The Lady of the Greenwood is love and happiness.
Her consort bows to her will this night.
Great Lady, bless me with all good things
And make my life fulfilled and bright.

(Save the green cord to wear on other occasions when you contact Pan and the Lady of the Greenwood.)
Lay an offering of cookies at each circle-point beside the flowers, always moving clockwise, and saying at each point:

All you Nature spirits and Faeries,
I welcome your presence and Aid.

Relax and let the beings come to you and communicate with you, and ask their aid in protecting your home, your pets or anything else...some of them may stay in your home year round if they are amde welcome. End your ritual by thanking them for joining your celebration.

Day of Wisdom Ritual...
In this ritual for receiving wisdom, you will need a small statue of an owl and a blue candle in a fireproof candle holder. Anoint the candle from the wick to the end with lotus oil.
Set the oil beside the candle. Spend as long as necessary talking with the goddess about the specific wisdom you wish to obtain, especially that needed to solve problems. If you have no particular problems that need immediate answers, ask for wisdom that will better your life.
After lighting the candle, say:

Wise Athene, great counselor,
Teach me waking and sleeping.
Send me omens true and dreams wise.
Instruct me in your great wisdom.
I open my heart and mind to you, Wise One.
I ask for your all-knowing counsel and guidance
That my good may come quickly!

If you use tarot cards or other divinatory aids, lay them out now. Write down the answers and study them thoroughly in the days to come. When you are finished, say:

Grant skills of the hands and justice.
Great Athene, make me wise.
Protection, all of the wonderful arts,
Are yours to bestow, Bright-Eyes.
You who are both skillful and strong.
Guide my steps, Keep me from wrong.

Leave the candle to burn out completely.

Check back for more next month...
I'll try to keep up and put a different one on each month, so we'll see how it goes!


Blessed Be!